2018-11-25, 20:32:18
A The Ballad of Buster Scruggsban több dal is volt, és mindegyik fontosabbnak tűnt, tehát nekiálltam mindnek, viszont az utolsóba beletört a bicskám.
Itt van a vers és, szétszedtem részekre és a harmadikat nem igazán értem. Meg az utolsóban a "bear up my pallt" és a "That they may not smell me as they go along"-ot. Szeretnék egy kis segítséget kérni a dal értelmezésben.
As I was a walking
Down by the loch
As I was a walking
one morning of late
Who should I spy
But my own dear comrade?
Wrapped up in flannel
So hard is his fate
I boldly stepped up to
And kindly did ask him
Why are you wrapped
In flannel So white?
My body is injured
And sadly disordered
All by a young woman
My own heart's delight
Oh had she but told me
When she disordered me
Had she but told me
of it at the time
I might have got salts
Or pills of white mercury
But now I'm cut down
In the height
of my prime
Get six pretty maidens
To carry my coffin
And six pretty maidens
To bear up my pall
And give to each of them
Bunches of roses
That they may
not smell me
As they go along
A The Ballad of Buster Scruggsban több dal is volt, és mindegyik fontosabbnak tűnt, tehát nekiálltam mindnek, viszont az utolsóba beletört a bicskám.
Itt van a vers és, szétszedtem részekre és a harmadikat nem igazán értem. Meg az utolsóban a "bear up my pallt" és a "That they may not smell me as they go along"-ot. Szeretnék egy kis segítséget kérni a dal értelmezésben.
As I was a walking
Down by the loch
As I was a walking
one morning of late
Who should I spy
But my own dear comrade?
Wrapped up in flannel
So hard is his fate
I boldly stepped up to
And kindly did ask him
Why are you wrapped
In flannel So white?
My body is injured
And sadly disordered
All by a young woman
My own heart's delight
Oh had she but told me
When she disordered me
Had she but told me
of it at the time
I might have got salts
Or pills of white mercury
But now I'm cut down
In the height
of my prime
Get six pretty maidens
To carry my coffin
And six pretty maidens
To bear up my pall
And give to each of them
Bunches of roses
That they may
not smell me
As they go along
Fordítás alatt: -
Eddigi munkáim: Hand of God S02, Goliath S01-S02-S03, Lucky(2017), A Prayer Before Dawn(2017), Black '47(2018), The Ballad of Buster Scruggs(2018), Roma(2018), The Sisters Brothers(2018), At Eternity's Gate(2018), The Lighthouse(2019)
Eddigi munkáim: Hand of God S02, Goliath S01-S02-S03, Lucky(2017), A Prayer Before Dawn(2017), Black '47(2018), The Ballad of Buster Scruggs(2018), Roma(2018), The Sisters Brothers(2018), At Eternity's Gate(2018), The Lighthouse(2019)